
Welcome to Peak and Dales Medical Partnership incorporating Bakewell Medical Centre and Tideswell Surgery

The surgeries are led by Partners Dr Peter Williams and Dr Hannah Willis and supported by Kerry Martin (Practice Director) 

Ways to contact us:

In Person or By post:

Bakewell Medical Centre, Butts Road. Bakewell. DE45 1ED

Tideswell Surgery, Parke Road, Tideswell, SK17 8NS


Patients and queries: ddicb.adminpeakanddales@nhs.net

Finance: ddicb.finance.pdmp@nhs.net

Complaints and Compliments: ddicb.management-pdmp@nhs.net


01629 816636 for both sites. 

We are closed on the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 1pm for staff training, except for August and December, where we remain open.  Should you need medical help when we are closed please call NHS 111

You can complete a form online to request an appointment, a sick note or for a query.  This is then triaged and you will be contacted.  This saves waiting on the telephone line and frees up the line for those needing more immediate care https://accurx.nhs.uk/patient-initiated/C81016

GP's are unable to treat dental problems.  If you do not have a dentist, please call 111 who will be able to assist you. 

If you have an eye complaint please use the Minor Eye Condition service, there is a link to book a local site  https://primaryeyecare.co.uk/services/minor-eye-conditions-service/

You may be triaged to use the Pharmacy First Scheme details of the scheme are here https://www.england.nhs.uk/primary-care/pharmacy/pharmacy-services/pharmacy-first/

The NHS app is the preferred app to support your medical record.  You can also use this on a desktop compter. You can book appointments, see letters and test results and see hospital appointments.  Any messages you are sent from the surgery can also be seen in the app.  The NHS app is the preferred way to order medication. If you need help setting up the NHS app, please contact for support. https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-app/


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