
Repeat Prescriptions

We do not take prescription requests over the telephone unless there has been prior agreement.  This is for safety reasonsYou will be able to order your prescription in the following ways:

  • Written - Post or bring your written request to either Bakewell Medical Centre or Tideswell Surgery
  • In Person - Call into either surgery to order
  • Online Services for people who collect their medication from Bakewell or Tideswell surgery - Order via the NHS app if you collect your medication from either Bakewell or Tideswell Surgery.
  • Online Sevices for people who collect from a patients who collect from a pharmacy can also call 01246 588860, please note there is often large waiting times for calls, please use online services where possible. 

We recommend ordering your medication through the NHS App.  This app does not require you to contact the practice. They can be used on a smartphone, tablet or desktop computer. If you do have any difficulty the practice staff can help you set this up. 

We would encourage you to order online. Your prescription can be sent directly to a pharmacy of your choice, making the process simpler for you. 

When ordering repeat prescriptions please ensure that you only ask for precisely what you need - In North Derbyshire alone, over £1 million of drugs are wasted each year.

Electronic Prescribing Service

This practice is set up for the electronic prescription service.

This means that for most patients we can send your prescription to your chosen chemist directly saving you having to come down to the surgery.

To get your prescription sent to your chosen pharmacy you will have to ask reception to sign up.

For more information about electronic prescribing services, click here.

Medication Reviews

Patients on repeat medication will be asked to speak to a GP, Pharmacist, Pharmacy Technician or Practice Nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications.  You will be notified of your medication review required.  You may need to have blood tests, BP or annual reviews ahead of a medication review, so that all of the information is available for the clinician to review if the medicines you are prescribed are the most suitable for you. 

There are times when medication will be refused, this is due to safety, if a patient requires monitoring and the tests have not been completed it may not be safe to continue to prescribe.  Please try and book all reviews and tests in time for your repeat medication requests. 

Some people have tests undertaken in hospital, we do not always get to see the results from the hospital and there may be times that we ask for repeats, or copies of results so it is safe to continue to prescribe.



We are a dispensing practice and are able to provide this service for people who live more than one mile from a pharmacy.

This does not, however, prevent you from using a chemist, but provides the added facility of using the surgery dispensary. If you wish, prescriptions can be sent direct to any pharmacy of your choice.

If you feel that dossette boxes are helpful for yourself or a family member please contact us to see if this can be arranged.  Dossette boxes are made weekly in most instances, due to stability of medications.


Medication for dispensing patients can be collected from the surgery during the below hours:

  • Bakewell Collection times are currently 9.00am - 5.00pm.
  • Tideswell Collection times are currently 8.30am - 6.00pm.

Prescriptions can be sent directly to the pharmacy. 

Please be aware that 72 hours' notice is required for us to process prescriptions. This time does not include bank holidays or weekends. If your medication review date has lapsed, processing time may be significantly longer.

We offer the facility to pay by debit card, there is no additional charge for payment of NHS prescriptions.

The NHS App

If you’re a patient at our practice you can now use the NHS App, a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.

You can use the NHS App to get health advice, book appointments, order repeat prescriptions, view your GP health record and more.

Click the online services image for more information.

Pharmacy 2 You, Med Express, UK Meds, Pharmacy Express and Pharmacy Direct

The above companies are not connected to us or our doctors in any way. They are simply private companies providing a prescription delivery service. 

You may have received a letter containing our name or an NHS logo delivered to your address offering you free medication delivery, again they are not connected to us and you do not have to use them.

We will continue to provide you with the prescription service as we always have and very much appreciate your loyalty.